Great ride!! If only I had more memory on the camera. Here is what I did get though!
Oct 11, 2008
Sedona Mountain Biking
Today a couple of friends and I headed up to Sedona for a little ride. The Guys at and Bicycle Showcase let me borrow their helmet mounted video camera.
Oct 9, 2008
Tour de Scottsdale
Well I was riding with some friends from Bicycle Showcase on Friday. For once I was trying road riding. They were kind enough to alow me to borrow a road bike.

During the ride some of the guys talked about the Tour de Scottsdale that Sunday. It was a 70 mile road race taking place around the Scottsdale area.
Since the ride I was currently on was my 4th time ever on a road bike I figured the 5th time might as well be a race!!
The only slight problem was that I didn't own a road bike. Tim from Bicycle Showcase offered up the bike I was borrowing for the race at no charge.
I was pumped up! Lets do it!
Sunday morning came and I showed up at the race with my pedals, helmet, and camelback ready to go. (I'm sure there were not to many riders who showed up without a bike, but it was exhilerating)
I walked over to their tent and put my pedals on their bike. I paid my fee and put a number on my bike and stood in line with the other 1200 or so riders.
At about 7:30 AM off we went! I was warned that if you are even trying in the first 15 or so miles you need to slow down so I found a group of slow riders and just sat behind them drafting as we climbed the hill to Cave Creek.
Since I was a little heavy and my bike was a little heavy I FLEW down the hills. wew hew!
I started to systematically pass folks as I went. We headed out to Rio Verde. There were "aid stations" along the route. I'd never experienced them, but basically they were bathrooms/food stations along the route. Being a newbie rider I passed the first couple, but jumped at the oppurtunity to stop at the third and get a snack and hit the restroom.
After about 2 minutes I hit the road again and headed to Fountain Hills and then back towards Scottsdale. There were plenty of little hills, but until we started to head back to Scottsdale I had not had any hills that made me hate life.
As I looked up... There it was! What a pain of a hill. As I SLOWLY road up the hill with old ladies and small children passing me I was hating life. Luis from Bicycle Showcase pulled over to, at first I thought TAUNT me, help a biker in need fix her flat tire.
Once I had concurred the hill I knew that most of the rest of the ride was mild. I just had to hold in there!
As I got within the final 12 miles my mind was really messing with me. The pain was intense!!
I was going painfully slow and I knew it. Instead of passing I was just trying to avoid letting anyone pass me. I would look up and see another rider with a beer sponsor and all I could think is how badly I wanted a nice COLD beer!!!
Next thing I knew I was within a mile. As silly as it was I knew I had to use up the small amount of muscle and energy I had left. I just didn't feel right to finish with any extra energy! I stood up and peddled as fast as I could to the finish passing a few more folks. I may have been in 600th place, but I was in first place in my warped mind! haha!
Overall it was a ton of fun.
Here are a couple of pics that Danica took during the race. Seeing a friendly face while going through agonizing pain can be a big uplift!

This medal seems so valuable because of what it took to earn it!

In conclusion, road riding is a lot of fun. How anyone could think its safer or more fun than mountain biking I don't believe I will ever know!

mountain biking arizona,
Oct 2, 2008
Well, I headed back to beautiful Kanab, Utah for some more work.

I figured I might as well wash the 4runner since it so rarely see's some suds.

Lookin sharp!

There seemed to be a lot of drilling going on in this AZ Strip area. I guess they must lease the land from the BLM.

I came across this pretty cool old wagon. It looked like it had been built on an old 20's or 30's truck chasey.


Woohoo! Saw some Antelope.

Some pretty cool Fire Engines at the Fredonia Fire department.

Also in Fredonia. Truly an enlightened store. I had to get a t-shirt. Rock on!

Fredonia is full of cool signs. This one is on the way into town. They are not a fan of the Jake Brakes here. Damn. Damn!

Amazing views on the ride home!

Lees Ferry.
Just seeing this view made me put rafting down the GC on my "list." Its been a long time since I went rafting. I've got an itchen for some rafting.

Wow! A rarity!
A six wheel FJ in Flagstaff.

The same day we finished work in Kanab I got a call from Earthroamer. I needed to drive an LT from Chattanooga, TN to Denver, CO.
Sounds like some trucking fun!
Everything that one could need!

Air ride is fun. The XV-LT at full height.

My point of view for a couple days.

yes, this stop was neccessary,

Had to get an Elvis TCB "Taking Care of Business" patch and sticker!

This abandoned gas station looked like it was about to be in some horror flick. Creeeeepy.

Everyone should stop and check out Oakley. Okay, not really. If you ever have a chance in life to take a hand full of sleeping pills, take them before driving through Kansas and let a buddy drive. You won't miss a thing. ; )

Its so darn flat!

And thats that. 1300 miles. Two days.
mountain biking arizona,
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