Baja is my favorite place to be. It is, after traveling around the entire world, the ultimate adventure.

Something always breaks the night before the race. Its tradition... I just hate when its a tranny and we spend the whole night fixing it!!

Brent, my buddy and co-car-owner. Brent got me into off-road racing when I had only been to a couple of races and loved it, but had no way to learn about it or get into it. I would go to his shop every weekend and many week day nights to watch and help him turn tubing hanging on the wall into our race car. He is amazing in this respect. An artist. I have learned a ton about these cars from him, but I still don't know a fraction of what he does. We have raced and been great friends ever since.

We finished! Its a bigger accomplishment than you could imagine. Finishing is the goal and to finish first, you must first finish!

You cant really see it, but sometimes the course is so hard there is a pile up. No one could make it up this hill so we sat for HOURS waiting for our try. First time, made it up. Nearly blew the motor we were trying so hard!

My absolute favorite part of baja besides the cherished time in the race car, is prerunning. Its a time to relax, screw around and explore!

Mikes Sky Rancho. This place literally is the Mecca or Graceland for desert racers. The amount of history in here is amazing.
Its in the middle of no where, but SCORE always makes sure the races pass it.

Crusing down the road

There are so many more pics and stories from baja, my only chance is to start writing them down as they happen from here on out!
If you want to be bored to death, just get me started talking about baja. It never fails.