He pre-ran the course and went through tech and the drivers meeting for me. We had raced every inch of this course in past Pro desert and Whiplash races over the years so I wasn't too worried about that part of it.
I literally ran out the door of the office at 4:10pm on Friday with a goal to be in Rocky Point ASAP!
I did 90mph, that’s fast for the ol runner, and saw some beautiful sights along the way.
This shot is of the copper mines outside of Ajo. It’s hard to get the scale, but the tailings (the rock they pull out of the ground) are huge!!
I never thought a PEMEX Gas Station would look pretty...
This is what you do when you are headed to Rocky Point on a Friday night. Do a little waiting, but at least your in Mexico so the idea of traffic is somehow less frustrating.
A nice sunset helps to make you feel relaxed too!
The carnival was in town!!! I've been to one of these as a kid building houses in tijuana and let me tell you.... Its less than safe. In fact they guy wouldn't stop some of the rides and challenge the kids to jump on the moving ride... :(
The old Bull ring where the races used to start was jumping. They must have been having some serious bull fights!
Have a good trip!
So I made it to town by 8pm. Not bad 4 hour drive when you factor in Phoenix and Sonoita Mx traffic. I promptly went by the Desert Oasis where the race starts and ends and said hello to all of my friends. My buddy Mike and I went to grab some tacos on a street that he apparently forgot the address to. After some searching and me threatening to run him over in his rhino, we found it. AMAZING! Well honestly it was just like every other taco stand in northern Mexico, but that’s not to say that I don’t think every time I have one, “this is AMAZING!!!”
We went to bed and woke up bright and early for the race.
I drove the race car from the beach to the start line at the oasis. About 5 miles.
Behind the smile is me fighting off the freezing of my hands! It was coooooold in the morning!
Everyone else was showing up too.
This truck used to affectionately be called the bass boat. Thanks to a highly! metallice blue paint job. I mean, they must have put three gallon buckets of metal flake in the paint! Seen here are the new owners who can’t shake the bass boat name!
They won the last PDR race.
The race was a lap race of about 40 miles. Because of this PDR had to split the race into two races. If not, we would be leaving the line with some trophy trucks doing well over 100mph hot on our tails on their second lap. This was nice since I have not watched a race for years.
We headed out to Caborca highway where the race would run along for a couple of miles so we could pit for our friends the Strunks in TT # 22.
This Maxxis truck is a really good looking truck!
These shots are where the course hits the road and MAN was there some silt!
What race course, I dont see anything!
Brand new Jimco frame! Nice! (it was important for all of the races to get out front quickly, they started us all two at a time so you would either have clean air or be eating dust!)
Here come our friends in the #22. Go Bucky and Shiloh!
They lost the drag race so it was dust city for them!
A little blurry, but this shot seems to give you an idea of the immense amount of HP and torque these trucks have.
This fella raced his 8 truck (a class that is several steps down from a trophy truck) because he wrecked his brand new trophy truck at the last race. He was racing it like it was a trophy truck. He had the overall for a little while until he broke. Stay tuned for a video below that give you an idea of how!
Steve of ADS shocks and his stripper paint job millenium car!
Steve was hit and hit hard! by Pistol Pete in the #2 Trophy truck. Its hard to see with all of the dust. That hit ended up putting them both out of the race!
Lowriding with all of the torque!
This has got to be my pic of the month. It is amazing how the dust looks like a perfectly formed wave! Nice job Tim G, of racer offroad in Phoenix. Incidentally, this is the old Walker Evans built dodge that Kreg Donahoe had a small hand in building while he worked there as a lad. This is also the same truck that Kreg bought and then raced and infamously rolled at laughlin and then promptly sold the Greer family in Arizona who rounded up the entire old walker stable. It was recently sold to Tim G and branded a Chevy since the Greers are commissioning a brand new Porter built Dodge.
After Bucky went by we followed him down the road and off into the great wide open he went so we headed down to the next point he'd get near that road. This road crossing is just about a mile from the finish line.
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