Cycle Gear are donating over 100 pairs of gloves, 20 t-shirts, 40 three way T-handles (which if you work on your motorcycle you know are great!), 20 Tool company multi folding tools, 2 Folding ramps, 1 adult chest protector, 1 jersey, water bottles, lanyards and stickers!!
Durham Communications are donating a front loader and operator for the day to help us load trash into the high sided dumpsters!!
Adventure Trailers have donated two water cans to the give away.
Sierra Expeditions in addition to helping with media coverage and selling stickers are also donating a Hi-lift Handle!
Vulcan Materials are donating cases of water for the parched volunteers.
The Mesa Ranger District is helping coordinate and helping with dumpsters.
Disabled Explorers are manning the first aid station!
AZ 4x4 Recovery is bringing a ton of water and I'm sure could be pursuaded to pull someone out if you get stuck! :victory:
Steve Hatch racing has donated some of his new DVD's.
Trasharoo has supplied one of their great bags to give away.
Icon Vehicle Dynamics and SDHQ are teaming up again to give away a suspension system.
Blue Sky Sanitation has generously donated three dumpsters.
Copper State Cruisers are again donating lunch on the grill!
Peter Piper Pizza is helping supplement lunch with some pizzas!
Overland EXPO will be giving TWO free day passes away.
Overland Journal is sending some goodies as well!
Bubbas's Stuff Popcorn Factory is donating a ton of delicious bags of popcorn for the volunteers.
And I can't forget Tread Lightly will be bringing tons of stuff as well.