I woke up and promptly went back to sleep. Against my better judgement I found myself awake and getting dressed. I was on auto pilot at this point.
Next thing I new I was loaded up and ready to go, but still mostly asleep.
I might as well go!
I headed out towards a little town called Florence where the trail starts.
Once I saw this on the way I was glad I had gone.
In the meeting area I saw some old faces as well as some new ones. I'm always impressed by the quality of people I meet riding my dirt bike. Great minds think alike I guess....
After riding along grated road to get back to the trail we came upon the obsticle that was the most difficult for my stock 4runner when I took it out here a couple years ago.
This took us down Box Canyon. We decided to show the guys who had not been the end of the canyon.
We then turned around and headed back to the turn off for the Martinez mine and cabins.
There are a couple of nasty rock sections that just want to through you off your bike with one mis-calculation!
I didn't get any pics of this rock section, but a couple of us went down.
Here I am just getting going to take my shot at the rock section just out of picture.
Thanks to Woody for the picture.
Once through that we came into what used to be a small town for the martinez mine.
Then off for the most difficult part taking us to the mines themselves!
I waited at the bottom of this rock section and watched the other guys tackle it.
Everyone made it up! It was my turn. Likely because of my lack of finesse I know that if my bike stops as some of the other guys did I go bang and fall over. So, I decided to try and do it without stopping or loosing my momentum.
Credit to Woody for all of these 4 pics.
Here we go
I made it through the mine field!
Just a bit more to the top
SOOO happy I made it!
We made it to the mine!
We headed back out without incident!
At the turn back to our trucks about half the group wanted to go to the Coke Ovens. So, we went!
I took a bit of wrestling with my bike, but we made it!
I was now out of water and energy! I needed to head back BAD!
We had a great ride back to the trucks and by the end I could barely hold onto the bars. My hands were permanently locked in a handlebar grip the rest of the day!
Man I love being on 2 wheels!
Thanks again to Woody for putting this above pic together!
You can see some of his pics at http://www.putfile.com/sro1
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